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Mindbender – All

Mindbender 9-14-2015

Sep 14, 2015 | 7:45am
The average adult will do this embarrassing thing about two-and-a-half times a month… Butt dial 

Mindbender 9-11-2015

Sep 11, 2015 | 8:29am
If you\’re an average person, you\’ll only use about 68% of this… Your wardrobe 

Mindbender 9-10-2015

Sep 11, 2015 | 8:27am
More than a third of people between 13 and 33 experience this at least once every night… Being awakened by a text message/notification

Mindbender 9-9-2015

Sep 9, 2015 | 7:46am
When asked, “What does your husband do that you really can’t stand?”, this was the #1 answer… Tickle 

Mindbender 9-8-2015

Sep 8, 2015 | 7:46am
Almost 40% of people would break up with someone they\’re dating simply because… Their friends don\’t like them

Mindbender 9-4-2015

Sep 4, 2015 | 7:58am
When it comes to airline travel, 1 in 4 people said they would pay even more money just to… Get off the plane first 

Mindbender 9-2-2015

Sep 2, 2015 | 7:21am
In a survey of favorite smells “rain” and “lavender” topped the list, but almost 1 in 4 people agreed this smell should be in the top 5… A campfire

Mindbender 9-1-2015

Sep 1, 2015 | 8:17am
The average woman will have one of these about 6 times each month… A bad hair day

Mindbender 8-31-2015

Aug 31, 2015 | 8:14am
4% of us are okay with people using their cellphone here… Church

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