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Mindbender – All

Mindbender 9-28-2015

Sep 28, 2015 | 7:39am
Men who have one of these earn about 23% more than men who don\’t… A wife

Mindbender 9-25-2015

Sep 25, 2015 | 7:46am
You\’ll go through about 800 of these in your lifetime, most of them by age 11… Crayons 

Mindbender 9-23-2015

Sep 23, 2015 | 8:51am
Do this in the middle of the day, and it could boost your energy by 30%… Brush your teeth

Mindbender 9-22-2015

Sep 22, 2015 | 7:44am
We think of it as something for kids, but 70% of adults can\’t make it work… A yo-yo

BONUS Mindbender 9-18-2015

Sep 18, 2015 | 8:03am
90% of single people agree that this is a guaranteed deal breaker on a first date… An annoying voice

Mindbender 9-18-2015

Sep 18, 2015 | 8:02am
Almost a third of Americans can not name this… The Vice President of the United States

Mindbender 9-16-2015

Sep 16, 2015 | 7:46am
According to a survey, 60% of men are sure they have a great… Butt

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