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Dom’s Book Club for July, 2018: Wicked and the Wallflower

In the twenty years I’ve been hosting Dom’s Book Club, this hasn’t happened before. A very nice woman called the show and somehow the subject of books came up. When I asked what she was currently reading, she gushed about something called Wicked and The Wallflower.

I think my favorite part of the conversation was when she said, “Dom, you wouldn’t like it.” Ha, I love that!

But my book club isn’t only about my favorites. Instead, I like to jump around from genre to genre, style to style, selecting books that will appeal to different portions of the listening audience. And I’m not stupid: I know that romance novels are HUGE.

I promised this wonderful listener that I would take her suggestion and make Wicked and The Wallflower one of my monthly picks. And I’m a man of my word.

Full disclosure: I haven’t read it. So instead of my own view, here’s the actual description from the publisher:

When Wicked Comes Calling . . .

When a mysterious stranger finds his way into her bedchamber and offers his help in landing a duke, Lady Felicity Faircloth agrees—on one condition. She’s seen enough of the world to believe in passion, and won’t accept a marriage without it.

The Wallflower Makes a Dangerous Bargain . . .

Bastard son of a duke and king of London’s dark streets, Devil has spent a lifetime wielding power and seizing opportunity, and the spinster wallflower is everything he needs to exact a revenge years in the making. All he must do is turn the plain little mouse into an irresistible temptress, set his trap, and destroy his enemy.

For the Promise of Passion . . .

But there’s nothing plain about Felicity Faircloth, who quickly decides she’d rather have Devil than another. Soon, Devil’s carefully laid plans are in chaos and he must choose between everything he’s ever wanted . . . and the only thing he’s ever desired.

Whoa. Maybe I do need to read it.

If you’re looking for a steamy summer read to go along with the hot weather, stop by The Tattered Cover Book Store and ask them for Dom’s Book Club selection. They’ll knock 20% off the price of this particular book during July.

Enjoy, you naughty reader!
